Teamworkx Configuration Publisher

Teamworkx Configuration Publisher

Visibility to configuration details of Jira projects is reserved for Jira administrators. It is not possible to document changes and generate a history for tracking purposes. With the Teamworkx Configuration Publisher from catworkx, this barrier is removed without the need for changes to the authorization structure.

The Teamworkx Configuration Publisher app also creates a compact insight into the configuration for project administrators and experienced users. In addition, Teamworkx Configuration Publisher enables sustainable change management for Jira. The process and project management software Jira has different levels of administration and configurations are not equally visible at each level. For example, in addition to the actual Jira administrator, who has all administrative rights, there are project administrators with limited administrative options for their respective projects, but who do not have any insight into the group membership of users, for example, although this would be useful and necessary for them.

The Teamworkx Configuration Publisher allows you to publish the current configuration settings of Jira projects in a Confluence document and also in other file formats. You can choose to output the configurations of either all Jira projects or only individual projects.


1. Choose from different templates

Start right away with some templates available after installing Teamworkx Configuration Publisher for Jira. Choose the template that suits your needs or create new templates according to the documentation.

2. Create a link to your Confluence area

Once the app is set up, it remembers the link to your Confluence space - so you can start exporting right away.


3. Or export to other file formats

Choose the right publication formats from the templates. In addition to the Confluence Storage Format, the following formats are supported: HTML, XLS, XLSX, CSV.


Create documentation with one click

Due to its high degree of configuration options, Jira is particularly flexible and customizable. However, the quick and easy configurability repeatedly tempts people to make ad hoc changes without any special processes - not to mention documentation. This makes it extremely difficult to track changes made during the lifecycle of a Jira project. Since there is no sustainable change management support at project level for Jira apart from a rudimentary audit log, this app was also developed to be able to document changes on a project-by-project basis.


The app makes use of a built-in standard function of Confluence in the form that whenever a project configuration is changed, the existing configuration documentation on one and the same Confluence page is overwritten. Using the standard history of Confluence pages, changes to configurations can then be detected by simple version comparison.

Mit dem Teamworkx Configuration Publisher ein nachhaltiges Change Management für Atlassian Jira Software erschaffen
Nachhaltiges Change Managements für Atlassian Jira wird mit dem neuen Teamworkx Configuration Publisher mit Hilfe von Atlassian Confluence Jira-Updates automatisiert dokumentieren

Quickly detect changes to the Jira configuration with Confluence

The implementation of sustainable change management for Jira is taken to a new level with the new Teamworkx Configuration Publisher. The app from catworkx creates the necessary transparency about the project configurations, which also allows project administrators to perform their administrative tasks in a serious manner.

A time-saving addition to any Jira instance

The Teamworkx Configuration Publisher helps administrators to document complex and diverse Jira configurations and to identify possible misconfigurations. This makes it a time-saving addition that belongs in every Jira instance.

The export functions

Teamwork Configuration Publisher exports the configuration of your entire Jira project or a single Jira project to various file formats. It supports the following export formats:

  • Confluence
  • HTML

All generated content is created by applying templates to the Jira projects data. These templates are stored in Jira's SQL database and can be modified and even completely new templates can be created.

30 days free trial

In the Atlassian Marketplace, all Teamworkx apps are free for you to try.

Contact us for more information!

We will be happy to inform you about the advantages and benefits of Teamworkx products for your company in a free initial consultation.

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Teamworkx Issue Publisher for Jira

Whether project documentation, knowledge management or quality manual - with the "Teamwork Issue Publisher for Jira", Confluence pages can be automatically published and updated from Jira.


Teamworkx Apps

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Automatic monitoring of the currency of Confluence pages. Makes it easier for authors to keep their pages up to date.

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Teamworkx Matrix for Jira

ITIL,Portfolio,Risk management Prioritization of Jira processes. Flexibly prioritize Jira issues & map reporting. Ideal for agile teams

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Teamworkx Cloud Hosted

With Teamworkx Cloud Hosted, catworkx offers a future for customers who neither want to do without their proven on-premises functionalities nor operate their own infrastructure.

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Agile transformation in a simple way: The "Teamworkx Scaling Agile Blueprint" gives companies the opportunity to scale agility from the team level to a higher level using exemplary modeling

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System integration, refinement of existing Atlassian tools or simplifying daily work with Atlassian - the use of catworkx apps is diverse.

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Atlassian publishes largest release for Confluence

Atlassian announces a series of new functions for Confluence. There is also a Confluence Mobile App and - last but not least - Confluence is now also on YouTube.


Customer Relationship Management with Jira and Confluence

The TOPMOTIVE Group consists of Europe's leading companies for catalog and information systems and services in the automotive independent aftermarket. Creating, maintaining and displaying sales-relevant information in one system was the vision that became reality with the help of Atlassian tools.

Portfolio catworkx - Atlassian Cloud
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catworkx Cloud Portfolio

catworkx offers a comprehensive cloud portfolio that allows you to take full advantage of the benefits and flexibility of an Atlassian cloud environment,

Agile Transformation
Kompetenz 7/20/22

Agile transformation

Cross-team planning and strategy through scaled agility with Atlassian tools - your entry into successfully scaling agile teams.

Offering 10/19/22

Smart Assessment

Using Smart Assessment you can have your existing IT environment assessed, e.g. in the event of a change of deployment or a required upgrade.


Integrated Project and User Portal (IPUP)

Transparent and flexible management of projects and users in large environments with Jira Service Management: catworkx has developed a tool for a major customer from the automotive industry, with which projects and the assignment of users involved can be set up largely automatically.


Jira Administration Part 1 (Data Center)

Over the course of the training "Jira Administration Part 1 (Data Center)" participants learn the most important steps for setting up a Jira instance (Jira Core, Jira Software or Jira Service Management).


Atlassian Deployment options

Cloud, Data Center or Teamworkx Cloud Hosted?

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