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If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment or call us back, please let us know. We look forward to your message or call and will get back to you as soon as possible.

catworkx GmbH Germany
Schellerdamm 16
21079 Hamburg, Germany

catworkx GmbH Austria
1100 Vien, Austria

catworkx AG Switzerland
Theaterstrasse 17
8400 Winterthur, Switzerland

catworkx SL, Spain
Avda Diagonal 640 Planta 6
08017 Barcelona, Spain

Call us:
Germany: +49 40 890 646-0
Austria: +43 1 2369317-22
Switzerland: +41 52 511 40 01
Spain: +34 936 07 24 80

Germany: info-de[at]
Austria: info-at[at]
Switzerland: info-ch[at]
Spanien: info-es[at]

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